Hello my Young man and may be ladies, I find it really funny when most guys run up to me complaining to me of having a sexless relationship with their spouse as if I am an agony aunt; or maybe I have the magical wand that I'll use to convince these ladies to yield in to their canal demands

On the other hand, I wonder if these guys have really sat back and wondered why any right thinking lady in a relationship will want to deny his man of sex, when sex if well done is an act to be enjoyed by two consenting adults; but looking back in retrospect and using my self as a case study

because I've had my own share of sexual conquest (if that is what I should call it), I'll want to look at why and how we succeed with the ladies, why other guys think hard of their hard fortunes

Cleanliness is next to Godliness: this is rather an unfortunate thing for most guys. Guys who have mouth odor, body odor, smelling feet, smelling armpit, and bumps at the back of their head etc are regarded as scarecrows by the ladies, and as such should be avoided at all cost, so for you to attract any lady, especially those ones who know what they want from their men; then you must be clean

Recently, I came across a guy who was wondering why he got booted out of the house by his woman, this guy Was handsome, cool and worked three jobs to get the bills paid, but with all these strife and hard work, he was not deemed fit to grace the bed of his fair lady, on close observation I immediately found out that the said guy was a complete dirty pig, who hid his dirty boxers underneath the mattress she and this lady, who happens to be the owner of the apartment shared
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